“You conduct healing work with your culinary skills.”
You’re a sensitive person who’s affected by the foods and beverages you consume. You’ve noticed that your energy and moods waver according to what you eat and drink. Because you’ve paid attention to these nutritional links to your own emotional and physical health, you’ve learned firsthand how what you take into your body effects you.
As you call upon the healing angels’ help, you’ll find that unhealthful cravings are replaced with an appetite for healthful meals and drinks.
You can also create Divine magic through the dishes that you make and your nutritional knowledge. You may counsel others on how to adopt a healthful diet; and demonstrate this skill for your friends, family, or clients.
A great place to start is with the Food Healing Oracle Deck! Check it out here: https://foodhealingdeck.com/
Deck: Life Purpose Oracle Cards
Author: Doreen Virtue