Plum Stars

Angel Numbers: What you need to know

By heatherdaniellemedium / July 12, 2021 /

Do you keep seeing the same numbers over and over again and don’t know why?  Are you being stalked by numbers like 555, 111, 333?  Yes, it’s true that Spirit sends us messages thru numbers.  The Universe is said to be made up of numbers, and is mathematically precise, so it doesn’t surprise me that…

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The 7 Archangels you need to call upon for help

By heatherdaniellemedium / July 5, 2021 /

So many of us think we’re alone, and we end up navigating this tough human life without asking for help.   I know many of us may feel like we don’t have anyone we can rely on, we have no one to help us. During the toughest times of my life, I relied on myself and…

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Signs from Heaven

By heatherdaniellemedium / July 1, 2021 /

Signs from the other side are everywhere. Our loved ones who have transitioned are always trying to reach out and say hi. They want us to know they’re around. Sometimes, we can miss these signs. Maybe our minds are really busy, perhaps we’re still grieving, but even though we don’t see them, it doesn’t mean…

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The Angels Told me to Play the Lottery, and I won!

By heatherdaniellemedium / June 28, 2021 /

You may have heard me tell this story before, but it’s a story I never get tired of hearing and one I always love to tell. If you’re hearing this story again, it’s for a reason. Share it with someone who you think could benefit from reading about what happened. It can fill their heart,…

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